SIR – Is housing minister John Healey (pictured) unpopular in Labour ranks because unlike so many others he has spoken the truth about escalating home repossessions?

Of course repossession can be the best option for those in desperate financial straits; many of whom should never have been granted loans in the first place, some on property that wouldn’t have been acceptable as security to the old building societies only a few years ago!

But the difficulties experienced now are rooted not in any ‘global’ financial crisis – far from it – but as a direct result of ‘New’ Labour chancellor Gordon Brown’s flawed economic policies, eg, his supposed abolition of ‘boom and bust’, etc.

Reckless borrowing and irresponsible lending encouraged by Labour created the house price ‘bubble’ – which has now, for many, sadly burst.

D S Boyes, Rodley Lane, Bramley, Leeds