SIR – I have read with astonishment your reports of February 11 and 12 and find myself wondering if our Council lives in the real world.

We have had the mirror pool and City Park and now they want to ‘landscape’ the Westfield site – no doubt at enormous expense – to improve its appearance.

Anyone with half a mind knows that the need for the shoppers and shopkeepers in Bradford is for car parking (free if possible).

For the same expenditure you could have a huge car park which would bring enormous benefits to Bradford and it would not take much ingenuity to create a simple system to keep commuters out yet welcome shoppers in.

Maybe the planners and road engineers would see nothing but problems, but on this occasion why not do what is best for the city and its commerce and quickly?

We have a lesson in Bingley where, in spite of all the requests by residents, a wonderful opportunity to increase car parking still further has been allowed to slip away; don’t let us do that in the city.

Ron Jennings, Lady Park Avenue, Bingley