SIR – I hope Terry Tordoff was not being serious when he told us (Letters, February 1) that if we are to get the country back on its feet, it would help if we were to hang the politicians.

Many others probably think the same way, but what nobody ever thinks about except in times of trouble (like in the recent grit shortage) is that effective government is something none of us can do without.

As far back at 1860, Abraham Lincoln could have given Mr Tordoff his answer when he reminded Americans that taxes were the price they had to pay for a decent civilised society. He added that this could only come about as long as government takes seriously its duty to do what people cannot do by individual effort.

Since there is never enough money to go round, somebody, somewhere has to decide who gets what and when. The only ones who can do this are our politicians until and unless the likes of Mr Tordoff can come up with a better alternative.

Brian Holmans, Langley Road, Bingley