SIR – Whenever we hear some sponsored official stating that man-made climate-change is ‘overwhelmingly supported by science’, we should remember that Tony Blair , using all the apparent evidence available, attested to the presence of WMD in Iraq as being “beyond doubt”.

It was not, because they were not.

The key problem with the climate-change debate is that all of its professional proponents are precisely that, professional.

Their jobs and future incomes depend on the continuity of the claim, so they have a deeply vested interest in it.

Outside of these ‘hired hands’, many deluded innocents have been swept up into the blind faith, but that’s just their unfortunate naivety – the real downside is that it permits devious governments to implement otherwise unacceptable policies on us all.

I do not know whether climate change is in any way man-made and, if they’re being intelligent and honest, neither does anyone else. What we need is some real, independent science: science we can believe in.

And, until the unbiased conduct of the science is beyond question, its result can never be beyond doubt.

Graham Hoyle, Kirkbourne Grove, Baildon