SIR – To those Doubting Thomases who do not believe in miracles, I would say: “Go to Shipley Market Square.” Wonder of wonders, the town’s horological answer to Rip Van Winkle has stirred at last after many years of enforced stagnation. I refer, of course, to the Tower Clock.

Stuck immovably on 11.25 for what seems eons, unbelievably it now says 12.01. Was this the result of divine intervention (it was declared inaccessible to humans on account of the dangerous state of the steps leading up to it)? No – surely some intrepid flesh and blood being must have actually challenged the alleged ricketyness of the aforesaid steps to produce those 36 minutes of unalloyed joy. Did anyone witness this earth-shaking event?

Whoever it was must be congratulated – and perhaps could be persuaded to try again, this time making a more successful job of it. If so, he should surely qualify for the DCM (Dud Clock Mender).

Who knows, we may even see and hear again the little man striking the bell – though his arm would probably need a little lubrication after the years of neglect.

This can only mean that Shipley is poised for a surge of dynamic progress.

Derek Mozley, Moorhead Terrace, Shipley