SIR – In echoing Ann Whitehead’s comment on our taxes possibly going to bail out the Indian-owned Jaguar and Land-Rover company (Letters, December 23), it is even more interesting to establish how this came about.

Last year, our Government announced that it planned to impose punitive road tax levels on all gas-guzzler and large four-wheel-drive vehicles.

And guess what Jaguar/land-Rover make? Yup, it’s gas-guzzlers and large four-wheel-drives only.

So, when their new car orders immediately and predictably evaporated, leaving the company to face the sacking of many thousands of staff, the same Government which caused the problem will now find that all the money it is no longer getting from road tax will not be available to pay the unemployment benefits of those it has caused to be fired.

Forward-thinking or what ?

Graham Hoyle, Kilbourne Grove, Baildon, Shipley