SIR – So the Irish have had a referendum on the EU constitution (Lisbon Treaty) and have spoken. This is democracy, something our country has been denied.

The Labour Party in its manifesto promised us a referendum on the EU constitution. This was obviously a lie to get votes – once Gordon Brown became the unelected Prime Minister he changed the rules.

We also must have a vote on this, it is so important to all of us.

It seems to me on my travels that 70 to 75 per cent of people want us to pull out of this awful, very expensive, corrupt European adventure. It is costing our country millions to fund, with very little in return.

The pro-Europeans will call me a little Englander. Yes I am a little Englander now, but I want to be a big Englander as I was before this awful EU mistake. If we could pull together we may, just may, get our government to listen to the people that put them into power.

Tom O’Grady, Gaythorne Terrace, Hipperholme, Halifax