SIR - The streets of London were, according to an old story, paved with gold.

The streets of Eccleshill are lined with dog muck in all its forms: lumpy, spread, dried, etc.

After taking my grandson for a walk in his buggy it is always necessary to hose down the wheels before taking it back into the house. This mess persists in spite of the many notices threatening to fine offending dog owners up to £1,000.

Through your pages may I ask Bradford Council: 1. Is anyone employed to actively find and report the culprits?

2. Has anyone ever been caught and fined?

3. If any revenue has been raised in this way, is it being used to help clean up the mess?

4. Is there any point in having byelaws if they are unenforceable?

I look forward to their reply.

A W Thompson, Pullan Avenue, Eccleshill, Bradford

  • David Clapham, environmental health manager, said: "The Council has four dog wardens who deal with stray dogs and dog fouling across the district.

"Fixed penalty notices are regularly served by ourselves and other officers but the money does not go to the Council, it goes to the Government.

"The streets of Eccleshill have significantly improved over the last 20 years, although we realise that it still remains a problem.

"Residents can report dog fouling on (01274) 434366 and we will gather evidence and target our patrols to catch offenders. If Mr Thompson would like to contact us with information about offenders we will do our best to tackle the situation in Eccleshill."