SIR - L A Hobsbaum doth protest to much, methinks, to quote a phrase (T&A, January 29).

As non-smoking drinkers, we have had to put up with breathing the filthy atmosphere created by smokers for years, with the associated stench left in hair, on clothes and belongings the morning after.

We have had to endure smokers in restaurants and cafes who, oblivious to sensibilities, lit up and ruined meals for everyone.

Non-smokers sounding the death knell for the licensed trade - comments in the Tuesday People section of the T&A more than adequately scotched that rumour.

We would suggest it's the smokers whose habit has forced them to desert the licensed trade. We still have a beer, but in pubs that weren't haemorrhaging already due to changing a demographic, where you don't get a fight with your pint; and earache from wannabe Britneys and Robbies on karaoke machines.

No, we do like pubs with live music and those where you can hold conversations at normal volume. Mr Hobsbaum, why not join the rest of us self-righteous bigots at, such as, the thriving Corn Dolly or the Fighting Cock?

There are others where, importantly, a choice of real ales comes first and smokers know it.

A Waterhouse, Barmby Road, Bradford