SIR - A couple of the worst social problems of today seem to me to have very simple solutions, or at least, alleviations. The problems I am thinking about are binge drinking and the compensation culture.

Since being drinking is mainly a problem of youth, surely making the manufacture and sale of the dreadful "alcopops" illegal would put a severe crimp in it indeed. If it had been stopped when it started I believe binge drinking might never have started.

And limiting the sale of lagers would do no harm.

Both ideas would, of course, be strongly opposed by the financial might of the brewers and distillers.

The basic cause of the compensation culture has been permitting solicitors to advertise, coupled with the infamous idea (and advertisement) of the "no award, no fee" system.

There seems little doubt this has been the basic cause of the appalling compensation problem in the USA.

Of course, solicitors would hardly look kindly on suitable legislation, and I rather think the majority of our MPs come from the legal profession.

Ian R McDougall, Hawkswood Avenue, Heaton, Bradford