SIR - On January 21, MP Gerry Sutcliffe voted in favour of initial ratification on the EU "Reform Treaty" despite being elected on the manifesto promise of a referendum.

The EU has changed fundamentally since the British people had their say in the 1970s when the EU was marketed purely on economic grounds, even though the politicians of the time were fully aware a political union was well under way.

It's about time our generation had their say on the future of the EU and if the Reform Treaty is so necessary and good for the UK then surely the Government can sell it to the people and trust them to make the correct decision.

Let's have an open and frank debate on the EU instead of submitting to the politics of Euro-nationalism that bulldozes forward without democratic approval.

Let's no longer allow the Brussels policy of imposing another identity onto people without first seeking their consent.

Shame on you, Gerry, we the people give you the power, power is not yours to give away without first asking us.

Jamie Illingworth, Long Lane, Queensbury, Bradford