SIR - The comparison made by Mr P Bird regarding paid leave for those assaulted and those "catching a cold", at work (T&A, January 25) could not possibly be regarded as fair or appropriate.

I suspect he has never been subjected to a personal attack at work and therefore has no experience to base his opinion on.

I feel he has besmirched anyone who has been subjected to the degradation and humiliation that goes with being attacked, whether verbally abused, spat at or physically struck.

I suffered all three in a former job and the feelings of worthlessness and overwhelming loss of personal safety that I experienced afterwards caused an impact on me and my family in ways I sometimes still find hard to understand, particularly when I read about or meet people who have been subjected to mindless, unprovoked attacks.

Mr Bird should divert his actions to supporting people like MP Ann Cryer. The greater the support which can be offered to her and others like her who are prepared to stand up for those who may no longer able to stand up for themselves, rather than the greedy managers, the better it will be for our society.

Mr P Flett, Nab Wood Road, Shipley