SIR - How many people need to die before we reduce the speed limit on Harrogate Road?

We have had perhaps one death a year on the stretch of road and even that is one too many.

We have campaigned for a reduction in the speed limit along the whole of Harrogate Road, but still we are waiting for work to be moved higher up the priority list.

We have been promised build-outs at Wharncliffe Drive and Ravenscliffe Avenue, a speed reduction to 30 mph and speed cameras, but now we are told various authorities are objecting to these.

We have consistently raised concerns that the speed limit from Undercliffe to Pullen Avenue is not made clear and that the dual carriageway sign is out of date.

Local schoolchildren cross this road in three places. Two have no school crossing patrol. More patrols are needed to increase safety, and reducing the speed to 30mph and enforcing it means a child is more likely to survive an accident.

Those who object to residents' requests should seriously reconsider. Get a grip and take steps to prevent more deaths, don't wait for them to happen.

Councillor Ann Wallace (Lib-Dem, Eccleshill) City Hall, Bradford