SIR - I wholeheartedly agree with Graham Hoyle (T&A, January 25) when he congratulates Keighley MP Ann Cryer for adding her name to the motion demanding a referendum on the EU Constitution treaty.

The Government has told its backbenchers they must vote through this treaty, so hats off to Ann Cryer for her bravery.

She will, no doubt, be joined by our other decent MP Philip Davies who has also bravely given up any chance of serving on the Tory front bench because of his pro-UK stance, instead choosing to stand up for democracy and our sovereignty.

This goes to prove this is not a party political issue, it's an issue of whether you believe in democracy and that the UK should be governed by a British Government.

Whatever your political leaning, and even if for some reason you support the concept of an undemocratic centralised EU, you must agree that every party should honour its manifesto pledge to grant the British people a referendum.

Remember what "real Labour" MP Tony Benn has said: "Our sovereignty belongs to the people, not to the Parliament. Our sovereignty is not the Parliament's to give away!"

Jason Smith, UK Independence Party Bradford Chairman, Woodlands Avenue, Queensbury