SIR - I would like to reply to the letters (T&A, January 24) regarding smoking in public places.

Firstly, I would like to say I do not smoke and never have done, and I cannot understand why anyone would want to start, considering all the medical advice available.

However, the point being raised was regarding the number of pubs closing their doors for the final time and how this law is damaging these establishments.

Why can't there be a well-ventilated "smoking room" away from the main bar if the landlord wants to have one?

If the Government was so compelled to do something about smoking, it would either ban smoking or raise the tax on tobacco to such an extent a packet of cigarettes costs over £30, but it doesn't. The Government is quite happy to coin in the revenue from these taxes and put more regulation on small business.

David Chapman (Eccleshill Conservative Association) Manscombe Road, Allerton