SIR - My utmost admiration goes to the doctors, nurses and any other NHS staff in being able to carry on in a kind and professional way despite the chaotic administration going on around them.

I cannot praise these unsung heroes highly enough.

I cannot say the same for those at the top running the hospital trust, who seem sadly lacking in many respects.

Regardless of any moral obligation to staff or patients, costs seem to be the beginning and end of everything.

All I seem to see is professional staff being undermined and underpaid when applying for a decent standard of living.

Also, do the powers that be go to wards and see patients who, believe it or not, have to repeatedly ask for pillows on their beds or basic everyday personal care?

Once again, in no way do I imply any failure in respect of the nursing staff.

The Trust must show to its staff the same kindness the staff show to us, the patients, and give them the rewards they deserve.

George Gill, Paley Terrace, East Bowling, Bradford