SIR - In reply to Mrs Rushworth, (T&A, January 24) St Luke's maternity unit, above, did not close down until December, 1994.

I had my two eldest sons there and they were born in October, 1993, and September, 1994, respectively and I have pictures of my sons in those wards at St Luke's.

My sister-in-law gave birth to her son in January, 1995, at BRI maternity unit because the St Luke's unit had closed.

Mrs R Witney, Knowles Lane, Holme Wood, Bradford

  • SIR - In response to the question Mrs Rushworth raises about St Luke's Maternity wing (T&A, January 24), I can confirm that I was admitted on to the maternity wing with my first daughter in 1985 and chose to have my second daughter in the BRI in 1986.

However, St Luke's maternity was definitely still open at this time.

Patricia Tillotson, Thorncroft Road, Wibsey

  • SIR - Mrs Rushworth (T&A, January 24) may well be correct in recalling her grand-daughter's birth at the new' BRI maternity unit in 1974, but St Luke's babies were still being delivered in 1989 and for some years beyond.

My 24-year-old son and 18-year-old daughter were both born in M block at St Luke's. While the surroundings may have been dated the nursing care was first class.

I believe that once the new maternity block was opened at the BRI, Bradford babies were delivered on almost a postcode system with expectant mothers being referred to the nearest of the two hospitals.

Mrs Susan Walmsley, Hawes Road, Bradford

  • SIR - Regarding the letter about St Luke's maternity wing (T&A, January 24), I can confirm that my daughter was born there on November 4, 1994.

She was one of the last to be born there as it closed not long after.

She was meant to be born at BRI but while in the ambulance on Duckworth Lane the paramedic was told there was no bed for me so I was transferred to St Luke's.

J O'Hagan, West Royd Drive, Windhill, Shipley