SIR - I read with interest your article Let's push for a share of cycling cash' and the comment (T&A, January 23).

I speak as an ex-obese, very unfit couch potato who started cycling in Bradford a few years ago.

Cycling helped me lose weight, improve my health and gain enough confidence to go back to college as a mature student and train to become a fitness instructor. After working in local health clubs I continued with my studies to become a personal trainer specialising in people new to fitness, the overweight and people with health problems - just like I was.

Cycling in and around Bradford can be done. The cycling community of Bradford and the surrounding areas is bigger than you might imagine and friendly beyond belief.

If you have the courage and commitment to get on your bike and keep pedalling, you never know where it might take you and what new friends you might make along the way.

Starting cycling in Bradford was the best thing I have ever done.

Francine Hoddy, Bradford Road, Idle, Bradford