Four areas of Bradford are revealed today as the worst in West Yorkshire for uninsured drivers. Such motorists are a danger to others and a financial drain on the law-abiding who must pay higher premiums as a result of their actions.

But while this state of affairs is deplorable, it is unlikely to be deemed shocking by readers of the Telegraph & Argus who will recognise the offence as being one of the most frequent to appear in regular court round-ups.

What these latest figures do suggest, however, is that those appearing before magistrates might be tempted to view themselves as the unlucky ones, as the chances of being caught do not seem that great.

Considering, too, that the fines handed down to such offenders are often a lot less than a driver would expect to pay for cover, and it becomes clear why so many unscrupulous motorists are prepared to take the risk.

These matters are unlikely to change unless and until some very simple things happen. There must be a much greater chance that uninsured drivers will be caught and then it must be an absolute certainty that they are severely punished - up to and including losing their often treasured vehicles and, for repeat offenders, even their freedom.

Thanks to better technology, the identities of many of these drivers are already known: number plates can now be read by cameras and checks on a driver's insurance status made in a matter of moments. The tools exist; there must be greater use of them.