SIR - Stuart Baker accuses me of going off half cocked (T&A, January 22) with regard to the Government's admission that the EU police force under the direction of Brussels could operate in Britain.

Indeed, I provided a quote where Foreign Secretary David Milliband refused to say foreign police would not be allowed to operate in our country.

Mr Baker argues that because we have not yet' officially signed up to this treaty that it could not apply to us.

He states there were only five signatories at the summit. Since then, though, a number of other EU countries have joined the original five states in embracing the EU police force, including Poland, Romania and Lithuania and the non-EU state Turkey.

I would like to remind Mr Baker of another treaty which is being discussed in parliament, the EU Lisbon Treaty (aka EU Constitution). It is self-amending. I think there lays the answer of whether this treaty will apply to the UK!

Jason Smith, UK Independence Party Bradford Chairman, Woodlands Avenue, Queensbury