SIR - When is Councillor Mallinson and the Council's Executive going to come to their senses and forget about this idiotic idea of a Park at the Heart?

Fortunately the Lottery bid failed, but surely, before submitting the bid, they should have had a contingency plan to fall back on as any responsible business would.

Now they are going round with the begging bowl expecting people to make donations. How ridiculous can you get?

If you cannot afford to repair the Shipley Market clock how can you possibly contemplate this scheme?

This councillor claims in the Community Pride newslettter that Bradfordians showed "tremendous support" for this scheme. Rubbish, I don't know anyone who does.

Neither do I accept the claim that 30,000 people voted for this ridiculous idea. This must again be a distortion of the truth.

Perhaps this councillor would kindly prove these claims and tell us did this supposed vote take place?

The letters to this paper are a true reflection of people's views on this futile idea.

There have been a great many letters from readers opposing this idea and I am glad the Lottery bid failed, whereas I can only recall only about half a dozen supporting the scheme.

R Binns, Thornbridge Mews, Bradford