SIR - Ann Cryer says rail bosses are heartless and greedy for withholding the pay of those assaulted on their premises and, in consequence, have to stay off work (T&A, January 19).

I agree if it is due to the employers' negligence that the assaults take place, but not otherwise.

Where would you draw the line?

If a thoughtless employee goes into work with a very heavy cold, which is passed on to more thoughtful ones, who absent themselves and get a sick note, should the latter expect full pay from their heartless bosses?

It may not be as stressful but the cause is on their works premises just the same but just as costly to the victim.

Assault is a serious crime, and there used to be a Government agency to protect victims of crime. Employers cannot be expected to do everything.

Consequently I think the Keighley MP is perhaps being a little too quick and harsh in her condemnations.

Philip Bird, Nab Wood Terrace, Shipley