SIR - With regard to the report headlined "Woman injured in city centre accident" (T&A, January 19), the woman in the accident was my wife and we would both like to express our extreme gratitude to the people of Bradford.

Thanks to those who comforted her as she lay in the road in the rain, especially the gentleman who covered her with his overall and the person who notified me by phone.

Thanks to the paramedics and police, whose speedy actions prevented further injury, and last but by no means least thanks to all the staff at BRI - the porters, nurses, doctors and X-ray staff for their professional and caring service. At a time when it is the done thing to criticise the NHS, we cannot thank them enough.

Because of the help given on the day we can thank God that my wife's injuries were not life threatening and she is now on the road to recovery.

Thank you all.

Graham Bolland, Verdun Road, Wibsey