SIR - So, our local MPs are backing pay restraint, putting their backs against the wall with Gordon Brown and recommending under two per cent for themselves, in line with his policy for public sector workers? (T&A, January 17).

The sacrifice is palpable. Hardly! More like the sheer brass-necked, shameless, two-faced hypocrisy of these "I'm all right Jack" politicians. They represent constituencies in Bradford where the average annual income is around £11k per annum.

Nevertheless, they are conspicuous in their silence when Bradford Council imposes above-inflation council tax increases of 4.5 per cent; British Gas announces increases of 15 per cent; the major supermarkets report increased seasonal profits, yet continue to put up the price of basic foods (blaming it on global warming, increased pressure on farmland by the bio diesel producers or whatever fairy story they reckon will dupe a gullible public) They are similarly mute when our captains of industry and other City fat cats award themselves massive pay increases for what can best be described as sub-zero performance and, at worst, dismal failure by the standards by which others are judged.

Gerry, Terry, Ann, Phil, Marsha and Shahid, remember - you are only one vote away from reality.

Arthur Waterhouse, Barmby Road, Undercliffe