SIR - I'm heartily sick of all this moaning about pubs being quiet supposedly because of the smoking ban.

One can blame the Government legislation until the cows come home, but it's the weak-willed smokers themselves who have caused this situation.

One would have thought that now they are virtually social lepers, it would prompt them to quit. After all, it must be one of the most absurd social habits imaginable, hellishly expensive too, apart from the proven health aspects.

Millions have succeeded in quitting smoking in the last decade, and these are not all unique people with an extraordinary willpower.

I'm all for the freedom of the individual, but I've spent a lifetime passive smoking in public places and I didn't have a lot of choice.

I once had a conversation with a militant smoker in a pub ten or so years ago, and I suggested tap-rooms should return for those who smoke, leaving the rest of the pub unpolluted.

He scoffed at the idea and said it would never happen. I bet he'd take my compromise idea now!

Too late mate! History will soon denote that the right to smoke in pubs looks as archaic as the right to cock-fighting.

Will Smith, Bradford Road, Cleckheaton