SIR - Bravo Jason Smith (T&A, January 5). What a refreshing change to see a correspondent imparting common sense instead of blathering on. Mr Smith is quite right that our green belt land is disappearing at an alarming rate and this will escalate rapidly in the near future.

The idea of opening our borders to all of Europe is insanity gone way beyond what can be expressed in any known language.

We, as a tiny island, are already way over-populated. The problem is our Government does not understand this simple concept.

Here in Yorkshire we have some very down-to-earth sayings, eg, "Tha can't put a quart in a pint pot".

This would be child's play compared with what our Government is trying.

Perhaps on his next visit to the Commons Mr Rooney could explain this concept to them?

Terry Tordoff, Calderstone Avenue, Buttershaw