SIR - It's often said that if the fallen of two world wars returned to modern Britain they'd be angry we're now part of a united Europe.

Commonsense tells us the very opposite. If the sacrificial lambs of those wars returned they'd be delighted we're part of a united peaceful Europe, despite the best efforts of "Europhobes".

I think particularly of the joy that would be felt by the British and German troops who, on that glorious Christmas during the First World War, laid down their arms, sang carols, hugged, swapped family photos and played football, pure tears of joy.

They only recommenced fighting after threats, probably carried out on both sides but hushed up, of the firing squad.

I agree though, that the super nationalistic warmonger Winston Churchill would be furious, though not as much as Hitler.

Stalin too would be enraged that eastern Europeans had, of their own free will, joined the union after years of Communist captivity.

Do we go forward, or do we go back?

Eric Firth, Wellington Street, Wilsden