SIR - Gordon Brown, pictured left, has given £50 million of our money to China for "green" projects.

How wonderful for the Chinese, but I resent my taxes being scattered all over world like so much confetti.

Does he think he has done such a wonderful job of the economy that we can afford to fund projects in China? In actual fact, things are so dire in this country; the money should really be flowing the other way.

Gordon Brown cannot find the money to build prisons to keep dangerous criminals off our street.

Soldiers in Iraq are dying through lack of funding for decent armoured vehicles.

People are up to their necks in water because Brown has not supplied enough money for flood defences.

Lack of money for improvements to the Pirbright Research Centre resulted in old pipes leaking a deadly virus into the land.

Even though the leader of the July 7 bombers was known, MI5 lacked the funds to keep him under surveillance. We all know what happened next.

Gordon Brown has a lot to answer for. I really would prefer my hard-earned money to be kept in this country.

Malcolm Wood, Westercroft View, Northowram