SIR - David Chapman (T&A, January 7) exemplifies the crass immaturity of Bradford's Conservatives.

He blames the Broadway delays on Labour, conveniently ignoring the fact that the Conservatives have, allegedly, been leading the council since 2000.

He then calls for constructive dialogue with Westfield rather than mudslinging. Just one problem, Mr Chapman: while Labour has taken that constructive approach, it is your own party spokesman who has been dragging Westfield through the mud.

We must assume that when the development finally begins to take shape we won't be seeing any pictures of Tory politicians trying to claim credit.

Voters should think carefully about who they put in charge of City Hall.

Mr Chapman would do well to look at the latest figures showing the Tory-led council overspending by £14 million while cutting services left, right and centre.

Mr Chapman's desperate attempt to shift blame is typical of his local party - a bunch of shameless fantasists big on plans and artists' impressions but wholly incapable of taking responsibility for their own actions.

Councillor David Robinson (Lab, Wyke), Greenacre Drive, Wyke