SIR - Recently I had to have a small operation at the Eccleshill NHS Treatment Centre.

The care and attention I received was marvellous, the staff really put me at ease as I was quite apprehensive about the anaesthetic.

Afterwards I was given a good old cuppa and had a nurse sit with me telling me what they had found and what would happen next. The day after I had a phone call asking if I was all right and whether I had experienced much pain overnight.

This was in complete contrast to my visit to the private Yorkshire Clinic in December where an operation and overnight stay left me unable to use one hand which, after the operation, was in a sling.

After my consultant's visit telling me I could go home I had to go in search of someone knowing that I had to have prescribed medication.

No-one came to assist me in dressing or to ask if I was all right. Eventually I managed to dress, rang my husband to come and collect me and went in search of a nurse to discharge me.

The only good thing about all this was that my consultant was wonderful.

Heather Pilkington, Crook Farm, Glen Road, Baildon