SIR - I must strongly oppose the letter of Councillor David Ward (T&A, January 16) when he advocates the re-introduction of segregated enclosed smoking facilities for those who persist in using the evil tobacco weed.

This councillor is not due to stand for re-election until 2010. Therefore he is clearly trying to garner votes for his Lib/Dem Party candidates at the next Local Elections on May 1. Does his Group Leader confirm this is the official policy of that Party?

The Law was changed principally to protect workpeople who were persistently affected by passive smoking while carrying out their normal employment duties.

Regardless of recommencing damage to the health of staff servicing these proposed "smokers clubs", the Lib/Dems will do anything to win support from the smoking community.

I categorically wish to state that I will never vote for any candidate of any political party at any election who supports a return to the smog-infected atmosphere which leads to passive smoking.

I trust that the majority of millions of voters would join me.

Public health before party politics.

Alan Chapman, Beck Lane, Bingley