SIR - With reference to the proposed development of the land between The Avenue and Clayton Lane in Clayton, I hope planning officers visit the site and not just look at the location on a map, and that they also consult other council departments like education, health, etc, before reaching a decision.

The area surrounding the proposed development has bungalows, cottages and a cricket field. Three-storey buildings are quite out of character and would create an eyesore.

Also, with only one parking space per dwelling, where would two car owners park their vehicles?

Added to this the access road would have restricted vision as the bus terminus, due to the badly-designed roundabout at the top of the Avenue, is just a parking area at the side of the road.

Plus the rat-race traffic every morning and evening would present an increased road safety hazard.

Unfortunately, too, the development plan includes the felling of mature trees which are part of a long-standing row on the grass verge on The Avenue.

Is this progress? I think not.

Mrs Jesse Hainsworth, Westminster Avenue, Bradford