SIR - I fully agree with David Ward's letter (T&A, January 16) with regards to smoking in public places.

We have had seven months of this law and quite honestly it is a hugely Draconian, hell-bent on putting pubs and clubs out of business, and the sooner some sensible alternative is put in place, the better.

I believe it is correct to ban smoking in family pubs where children are actively encouraged to visit like Wacky Warehouses, but there are pubs I go to where the atmosphere is just not the same and they are not as busy as before.

It is my choice whether to enter a pub and I do not want this Government to dictate how I live my life. We may as well all change our name to Winston Smith if Labour stay in power much longer.

It is yet another "Loopy Labour Law" that needs a complete rethink and something practical put in its place.

David Chapman, Eccleshill Conservative Association, Meadowbank Avenue, Allerton