SIR - Those of us who have toiled up the steep valley side from Shipley to the heights of Wrose will seemingly find no welcome in the village, for the recently erected boundary stone (T&A, January 10) fails to offer that benefit.

While there is a village of Wrose going back to the 1300s, the recently-created parish of Wrose is really a myth created by Bradford Council administrators.

Seemingly, the parish stretches as far away as Five Lane Ends. But where will the other boundary stone go? For we need to know where we have been and where we are going to.

You could see Five Lane Ends as a logical position, but you could also say that this is the entry/exit points to Idle, Eccleshill and Bolton.

A plethora of boundary stones. What a dilemma. There are enough discussion points here to keep our parish councillors in further long discussion.

But the problem may save the parishioners of Wrose a further £1,500.

R J Lacey, Wrose Road, Bradford