SIR - The Lisbon summit did not only see the signing of the renamed' EU Constitution but also another treaty that should be of great concern to the people of Britain. It was a treaty establishing the European Gendarmerie Force (EU Police Force).

Under the terms of the treaty, the force can operate across national borders and would be above the national police forces, answering only to the Government in Brussels. They could be deployed by the EU for any "security and public order missions".

In a parliamentary question on the EU force, MP Bob Spink asked the Foreign Secretary: "Will he give an undertaking that it (European Gendarmerie Force) will never be allowed to operate on British soil?"

The Foreign Secretary's answer was very telling: "I am happy to reassure him that a nation must give its consent before any operation can be held in it."

Rather than rule out the possibility, David Milliband actually specified the manner in which it could operate.

If somebody would have told you a few years ago that a foreign police force would be allowed to operate in our country under their rules, you would have said they were crazy.

Jason Smith, UK Independence Party Bradford Chairman, Woodlands Avenue, Queensbury