SIR - Does anyone actually believe the Government when it promises that the new nuclear power age will need no public money?

For example the railways were privatised years ago, but today receive more subsidy than when nationalised!

Decommissioning costs of the original nuclear generators were carefully excluded on privatisation, as they are almost unquantifiable: Sizewell A in Suffolk, now closed, will take years to cool down but still needs 400 staff even though it is not producing one watt of power.

What private company now or in future could afford that?

Nuclear waste is also an issue, as what community would volunteer to have it dumped in their back yard whatever incentives were offered? Chernobyl happened more than 20 years ago but still causes health problems.

Coal remains our greatest national asset and should be part of any future plans to secure energy supplies.

Apart from reducing reliance on foreign sources it would provide enormous employment opportunities in the mines and other industries.

With almost 1,000 job losses in Yorkshire alone announced last week, we need something.

Compared to China, India and the US our carbon emissions are negligible and if we want the lights to keep burning for the foreseeable future I believe coal must be part of the way forward.

D S Boyes, Rodley Lane, Bramley