SIR - I have noticed numerous letters regarding the city centre development. Not surprisingly, many refer to the lack of construction activity that has taken place since the area was razed some years ago.

All the official comments I have seen to date regarding the excuses for the past delays and the present ambiguous proposals to commence work do not inspire confidence that anything concrete is about to happen anytime soon.

I suggest Westfield provide a copy of the main/overall construction and sub-contractor procurement programme(s) for the development.

Such programmes must be prepared and sub-contract orders placed to enable the work to proceed in a scheduled order and to timelines dictated by the requirements of the contract.

If Westfield is unable or unwilling to provide this information you can be sure the citizens of Bradford are in for more weasel words about constructing the new development.

The programmes they provide do not have to contain names of companies to be used as sub-contractors, thus Westfield cannot claim commercial sensitivity as a means of refusing to provide the information.

I do know how the construction industry works, having been a construction manager for the past 30 years.

John Simes, Roundhill Close, Clayton Heights, Bradford