SIR - It is interesting to see the indignation of the Council and particularly Councillor Kris Hopkins about the closure of the Keighley post offices.

They knew it was a done deal from the start as the Government and EEC directives determined the loss of profit.

Negotiating was merely a palliative on the Post Office side and all the petitions and other irrelevances from the Council were a show of support for the communities against the closures but the overriding factor is loss of profit.

The Conservatives' great leader Maggie Thatcher decreed privatisation and there is the result. Other privatised projects are beginning to fall apart; railways and energy and the nationalisation of Northern Rock seems to be the only answer.

We all remember Margaret Eaton standing outside Broadway post office declaring the Council would fight to keep it open, but still it closed. The Council can have as many meetings as it wants, but unless it can help the Post Office with its loss of profit, it is a fait accompli'.

It has given Kris Hopkins a wonderful platform for his Parliamentary ambitions, and the Council a chance to show its overpaid members are active.

But as there are no proposals, the Keighley post offices will still close.

Audrey Raistrick, secretary/trustee, Neighbourly Care Bradford, Westgate, Eccleshill