SIR - After reading the schools' league table results (T&A, January 10) I feel very annoyed these figures do not give a true picture of Tong High School where staff and pupils are committed and work incredibly hard to enable all students achieve to the best of their ability.

On average 30 per cent of students gain higher grades in English language and English literature and 25 per cent of students pass at A* - C in maths.

The statistics in the National League tables, as with all statistics, can tell many different stories Tong High School exceeded the Government expectations of 29 per cent of five A* - C in 2007, when they achieved 47 per cent. The students and staff at the school need to be congratulated for their hard work and these achievements.

As a parent who has had three children go through the school, all of whom achieved really well, were very happy at school, took advantages of the many excellent educational opportunities the school offers and have gone on to university or excellent jobs, I urge parents to look at the bigger picture.

William A. Collins, Vice-Chairman of Governors, Tong High School, Westgate Hill Street, Bradford