SIR - We have to thank the Lords again for holding the government to account over their decision to allow the RAF site near Harrogate to play a part in the US National Missile defence scheme (T&A, January 10).

I am surprised it has taken this long for anyone to notice that the government sneaked in this announcement. Defence Secretary Des Browne actually revealed this in a written statement just prior to the MPs knocking off for their summer holidays.

The Government keeps banging on about open debate but they never actually seem to do it themselves.

I am neither for nor against this at the moment and would therefore welcome a debate. To me it all depends on whether the UK will benefit from this missile system.

If we are just to be, as some suggest, an unprotected' listening site then I would suggest it is not in our interests.

Jason Smith, UK Independence Party Bradford Chairman, Woodlands Avenue, Queensbury