SIR - The official salary for the Prime Minister is at present £188,849 per annum and the official pension for a retired person previously holding that office £123,000 a year.

While Tony Blair was occupying No 10 Downing Street, it seems he took a modest amount less than his maximum allowed income, very commendably displaying a degree of restraint in personal earnings.

Thus, while Mr. Blair worked full-time, his pay appears probably less than £180,000 a year.

His pension leaves him well over £50,000 a year short, so to avoid tightening his belt, he clearly needs a couple of days paid employment to bridge the gap.

We know he fell in love with America as soon as he became our PM, always slipping over the pond and "Bushling" to some top US bigwig.

Not surprising that an American bank in the form of JP Morgan, takes him on part-time offering a guesstimated salary around £500,000.

So his part-time pay is well over double his former full-time pay.

We have an old Yorkshire saying to cover such an event: "that lad has missed his way". He should have retired five years ago!

Alan Chapman, Beck Lane, Bingley