SIR - It seems to me Eric Firth (T&A, January 11) has read Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto, George Orwell's 1984, all about the Frankfurt School, the Illuminati, and the Bilderberg Group and is familiar with the slaughter of millions under totalitarian rule as exemplified by the regimes of Adolf Hitler, Josef Stalin and Mau tse-Tung.

Amazingly, while those of us who value freedom above all else are seriously worried and/or horrified by the irremovable totalitarian regimes, both fictitious and real, either portrayed as fact in these sources or put forward as lending themselves to gradual imposition by stealth, unnoticed by the people until the prison gates have closed upon them, Mr Firth is clearly delighted by all he has seen and heard about fictitious, proposed and actual dictatorships.

He is pleased that the EUSSR, the first building block of the one-world terror state, the New World Order, is set to engulf us in January, 2009.

If he is still around when the borderless, nationless NWO is fully established, what will he make of the ruling elite's mass euthanasia programme for the millions who are deemed to be of no use to them?

Noel A Shaw, Thornton Road, Thornton=