SIR - In reply to comments in Rants & Raves, the TV licence is for receiving television programmes, not owning receiving equipment.

If a person does not want to go digital when the changeover comes, they will, in effect, have no television at all which according to Which magazine 12 per cent of the population intend to do.

You can still use the set for viewing DVDs and video films without having a television licence as that set will not pick up any digital or analogue signals.

There is a man in the Bristol area who has been doing this for some years and the TV licence people have tried for years to get him to pay for a licence, but you do not need a licence if a television cannot receive an incoming signal.

Also if one detaches the part that receives the signal inside the set to make it fool proof it just makes the TV a monitor for a DVD or video player.

Arthur Metcalfe, Hawthorn Drive, Thorpe Edge, Bradford