Sir - Our esteemed council leader Kris Hopkins is trying to exonerate himself of any blame for the number of new homes slated to be built in Bradford and the subsequent loss of some of our green belt (T&A, January 11).

Mr Hopkins is not only Bradford's representative on the Yorkshire Regional Assembly but he is also the Chairman of the Regional Housing Board.

I have no doubt that Mr Hopkins is indeed concerned about the loss of green belt which I'm sure will equate to a loss of subsequent election votes should he be seen to support this green belt grab.

I wonder how Mr Hopkins intends to protect our green belt, when his own party are happy to have our borders wide open to every single citizen of Europe (approx 700 million). What does he expect immigrants to do? Live in tents?

I'm afraid you can't have it both ways, Mr Hopkins. If you support open borders, you surely have a duty to house them? If you do not support open borders, then I'm afraid you need to look for a new party.

Jason Smith, UK Independence Party Bradford Chairman, Woodlands Avenue, Queensbury