SIR - Roleystone Horse Sanctuary recently took in a five-month old colt suffering from tetanus.

The previous owner did not have the vet to administer the anti-tetanus shot. As a result we are picking up the pieces.

To go into the condition of this foal and or show a photograph of him would be unfair, as it is extremely distressing. Suffice it to say that we called our vet immediately and the appropriate drugs were given to him.

The vet says he has done all he can for him at this stage and it is a matter of TLC and making sure he drinks and has his medication. We have named the foal Justin and are hoping we were just in' time to save his life.

The few people who regularly help out at Roleystone do so as volunteers and put in many hours, but having finished for the day, we can't help worrying where the next donation is coming from. The work here is very hard at this time of year and it would ease our minds considerably if we had a regular source of income.

Trevor Williams-Berry, Publicity Officer, Roleystone Horse Sanctuary, Bredon Avenue, Wrose