SIR - It is totally unreasonable for Jason Smith (T&A, January 5) to accuse the whole of our Council of being incompetent.

The people involved with the regeneration of our city, such as Councillor Mallinson and Maud Marshall, should be congratulated for their achievements.

They have worked tirelessly and spent a great amount of our money in order to make the city of Bradford the laughing stock over a very wide area beyond Bradford.

It was revealed (T&A, December 31) that our so-called regeneration chiefs are once again going on a jaunt to Cannes in Southern France "to highlight the progress made so far".

Perhaps when they have a few moments to spare they could also inform us - the citizens.

I am sure there are a lot of people like me who would like to know the cost of this all-expenses-paid trip and who is going to meet the cost.

In the same article it is claimed that "two thirds of Bradfordians firmly believe that the regeneration plans would be delivered".

I find that hard to accept and I am certainly not one of them.

R Binns, Thornbridge Mews, Bradford