SIR - On behalf of The Prince's Trust in the Yorkshire and Humber region, I would like to thank all those who worked for the charity and helped nearly 3,000 of the region's disadvantaged young people last year.

We give practical and financial support to those aged 14-30 who are struggling at school, have been in care, are long-term unemployed or have been in trouble with the law, helping them to overcome barriers. Almost three in four move into work, education or training.

In Yorkshire and Humber, there are more than 100,000 young people between the ages of 14-30 who are educational underachievers and/or long-term unemployed.

The startling number of young people who are not in education, employment or training highlights a tremendous waste of human potential and one that we at the Trust aim to tackle.

Each person we help has his or her own talents, strengths, aspirations and problems, and through the right on-the-ground support locally, we have helped many transform their lives.

It is organisations such as The Prince's Trust, working with the local authorities and the private sector that are key to unlocking the potential in disengaged young people in our area.

Peter Branson, Prince's Trust, Park Square East, London