SIR - As someone who is a governor at two of our special schools it has been of concern to me that children and young people with autism are sometimes in danger of being regarded as behaving anti-socially out of choice.

Instances across the UK where this has led to youngsters being issued with Anti-Social Behaviour Orders are fortunately rare but nevertheless hugely regrettable.

Some months ago I raised this issue in a Council debate and the matter was referred to the Safer and Stronger Improvement Committee where I had the chance to progress the issue further.

I am delighted to see the Council's officers have taken swift and effective action. A report coming back to the committee records that: "a bespoke criminal justice' training package has been developed".

Moreover, the training has been delivered to a number of agencies locally including the Council's ASBO Team, the Youth Offending Team and the police.

I am happier now that the chances of injustice being perpetrated towards young people suffering from autism are substantially reduced because their behaviour will be recognised as stemming from their condition.

Through your columns I would like to commend the officers for their work.

Councillor John Cole (Lib-Dem, Baildon) Oakroyd Terrace, Baildon