SIR - With so many scientific studies being published about what increases or reduces your cancer risk, it is sometimes difficult to know how seriously each one should be taken.

The Expert Report by World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) took five years to compile and involved a process that included more than 200 scientists, with the World Health Organisation and UNICEF among the observers.

Using an open, independent and transparent process to review all the evidence, your readers can be confident the WCRF recommendations for preventing cancer represent the best advice available anywhere in the world today.

Now the report has been published, individuals need to use the information as part of daily life for better health. It's not WCRF's role to tell anyone how to live their lives. All we have tried to do is ensure everyone is empowered to make choices that reduce cancer risk.

It is also important to remember these recommendations are not a case of "all or nothing". The evidence is clear that even making modest differences to your lifestyle can reduce your cancer risk.

To read the report, visit Professor Martin Wiseman, Expert Report Project Director, World Cancer Research Fund, Harley Street, London