SIR - Phil Boase seems confused about my position on the smoking ban (T&A, December 21), so let me clarify.

I support the right of every hospitality proprietor to decide whether, and under what circumstances, smoking may occur in their business. Customers may then decide which businesses to patronise.

The issue is that businesses failed to anticipate the effect of the ban on their trade, adopting the "ostrich position", and only now complain about its impact.

I agree that they should all be badgering their MPs to change the law but, if they'd been awake two years ago, they could have "headed it off at the pass".

The only thing which will now galvanize them into action is the effect on their takings, so that's why, like me, many others are staying away - by the time winter is over, maybe they'll finally work it out.

It is regrettable now that many businesses and jobs may be lost before change is achieved but, as the aerobics teacher says, "No pain, no gain".

I assume, of course, that Mr Boase has already personally badgered his own MP, although I suspect he will find his MP actually voted in favour of the ban.

Graham Hoyle, Kirkbourne Grove, Baildon